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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) develops from a nerve problem in the wrist (the median nerve) and is NOT a “muscle problem” like some people believe. That is not to say the median nerve cannot be trapped and pinched by muscles. When this occurs, the condition is labeled with a different name, depending on which muscle(s) [..]
Neck pain can occur for many different reasons, but what can you do about it? That’s the BIG question! As discussed last month, exercise training is an important part of the chiropractic management process. Let’s take a close look at which exercises are MOST important with respect to self-management strategies.
There are several goals or [..]
Neck pain can occur for many different reasons, but what can you do about it? That’s the BIG question! As discussed last month, exercise training is an important part of the chiropractic management process. Let’s take a close look at which exercises are MOST important with respect to self-management strategies.
There are several goals or [..]
It has been said that odds of success or failure in helping a patient with most forms of treatment center around whether or not the patient “believes” that the proposed treatment approach will help. In other words, “…the power of positive thinking” and how it enters into the care and management of patients is an [..]
One of the most frustrating symptoms of fibromyalgia (FM) is the inability to get a good night’s sleep! Recently, at a Harvard-sponsored conference on the subject of pain, it was stated that “…no one should have to live in constant pain with what is known about pain management in this day and age (paraphrased).” Many [..]
Last month, we covered the importance of your car seat's head restraint for preventing whiplash. This month, let's discuss additional measures one can take…
AIRBAGS: In addition to a correctly positioned head restraint, having a vehicle that is equipped with airbags has been described as “essential in the prevention of injuries and/or death,” especially in [..]
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is one of the most common “peripheral neuropathies” patients have when they visit a chiropractor for the first time. Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is defined as “…damage or disease affecting nerves, which may impair sensation, movement, gland or organ function, or other aspects of health, depending on the type of nerve affected.” [..]
When you make an appointment for a chiropractic evaluation for your neck pain, your doctor of chiropractic will provide both in-office procedures as well as teach you many self-help approaches so that as a “team”, you can manage your neck pain or headache complaint to a satisfying end-point. So, what are some of these procedures? [..]
Statistics suggest that low back pain (LBP) will plague most of us at some point in our lives, if it hasn’t already. Most healthcare professions that manage patients with low back pain focus on pain management. In fact, studies have reported that 67% of patient satisfaction is driven by pain elimination. One of the most [..]
Many people seek chiropractic care
when their back goes out or their neck tightens up. But how does this
form of care actually work? What are the benefits of receiving
chiropractic care for nerve dysfunction compared with other healthcare
options? Let’s take a look!First, let’s discuss how the nervous
system “works.” We have three divisions [..]
Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by a whole body, widespread pain that affects millions of people and continues to be a challenge for both doctors and patients to manage. This is probably because there is no one cause that can be clearly identified with the onset of FM. The “best” approach to managing FM requires a [..]
When we hear the term “whiplash,” we usually envision a rear-end motor vehicle collision that results in the head being thrown to and fro, in a “crack-the-whip” manner resulting in a neck injury. What we DON’T usually think about is “how to prevent whiplash,” which is this month’s topic. Let’s take a look!
According to [..]